Monday, November 3, 2008

Becka takes a mental health day...and has a happy Halloween

Um, so, last week got kind of out of control by the end of it. Come Thursday I was just too stressed out to function. Turns out that's October for me in Logan. 2006 I was miserable in my job (at Qwest) then stressing about the responsibilities of my new job (at the mall). 2007 I was dealing with weird illness and boy troubles. 2008 was just school mostly. Blah. In talking to my fellow students they feel the same way (the same way being that we're getting no where in our school work), so I feel a bit better about that. Anyways, Thursday I decided not to go to my history class, even though I had read the book. I figured taking a mental health night to carve pumpkins would serve me better in the long term, and I was totally right.

Take a look at the photo below. Notice the general disheveled-ness and the sense that I had given up on everything.
After carving my Batman pumpkin things were definitely looking up. Part of it was that I was watching "Psyche" and carving a pumpkin. I think the other part of it was creating a work of art. Really, the stencils and stuff they have on the internet are amazing. Y'all may know that I'm no artist (at least when it comes to visual art), but I think I did pretty well.
Then I got to carve my happy pumpkin. I think this picture really exemplifies the therapeutic benefits of carving pumpkins. Plus I got a pan full of pumpkin seeds to bake and eat (I ate them almost all at once, I feel like I've had better ideas).
Friday I went to a Halloween party with some friends, and it was way fun. My camera didn't take the journey with me, so I only have this cell phone picture. I had a lot of fun getting ready. I decided my costume lacked a certain something, so I added some spray-on sparkle, then the face paint. I was struggling not to touch my face all night, but I've decided it was well worth the effort (mostly because the effort was fun).
After all of this I'm kind of glad that it's November. While November means that I'm one month closer to a thesis defense deadline that I might not make, November is not October (and that means a lot). Plus Thanksgiving is in November, and my family kicks ass. So stay awesome.

I also did something productive this first weekend in November: I started winterizing my apartment. I've said it before, sometimes I feel like I live in a refrigerator, a hobbit sized refrigerator. Sunday I put of this plastic-wrap-type stuff on both my windows to keep the cold out, and I think its working pretty well. Unfortunately my blinds are on the inside of that seal. I weighed a few options and decided that keeping the blinds open but adding curtains was the best option (especially compared with the open-blinds-no-curtains and closed-blinds options). However, I have no blinds, so here's what my windows look like now.

I need to do laundry because I don't have any flat sheets around. But more likely I'll just rely on my wonderful mom to make me some curtains (because she's epically talented and generous). Now I'm off to get a good nights rest (I got one last night, it was fabulous) and get ready to tackle another Tuesday. I'm feeling pretty good about it.

Now playing: Oasis - Wonderwall
via FoxyTunes


Lovely Lizzy said...

I got a little confused and couldn't see that you could leave comments.
Your pumpkins are seriously cool. I love the Batman one.
I'm glad you had a fun Halloween. I was hoping that we would get to see you, but maybe this weekend.
I wish I could do something to help with the thesis. I usually feel like I can help any of the sibs out, but in this case I feel helpless. Let me know though.
Yeah for November too. I hope you come down for a way freaking fun long weekend. Neil and I were just reflecting on it.
Oh and Tyler says "Hi." Really, he just did. He likes to look at your blog and see pictures of you.
Hope the week keeps looking up.

LM said...

Cute costume! And good job at the hint to your mom about drapes...I bet if you showed her a sad face she would have them done even quicker!

Marf said...

I don't need the sad face, I will make you some cute curtains. I do believe mental health days go a long way to healing what ails us. Loved the pumpkins and the costume. Be happy and positive, you can do it...seriously, you can do it!