Monday, July 21, 2008

The Epic Adventures of Becka's Phone

Well, July just might finish off on an adventureous note. I've been kind of bummed out about how little I got accomplished this month, all in the name of finishing my thesis proposal (that's right, all the work I've done so far has only produced an idea of what I propose to study). However, Thursday I went on a hike to the Wind Caves, which are awesome, and Saturday I got to go to a super duper concert. The unfortunate part of these last two adventures was the lack of picture-ness. The Wind Caves were too dark when we got there (it was a night hike), and Saltair wouldn't let me bring my camera in. I was planning on bringing my camera to the show primarily because my friends band (Erratic Erotica) was opening up for the main act (Flogging Molly), and I thought I should definitely take pictures because I knew the names of most of the people on the stage. Coming into Saltair you can see the giant list of things you cannot bring in, it goes like this:
  • NO weapons
  • NO markers or pens
  • NO lighters
  • NO outside food or drink
I think there were a few more no's, however, they did not list no camera, and camera's have been present at the past few shows I've attended, so I thought it would be ok. I was wrong. They didn't let us take in gum or my camera. I didn't understand the NO gum bit (although I wish they'd made that rule before, because I kept sticking my finger in gum stuck to the post I was standing next to), and I really didn't understand the NO camera thing, because I brought my phone in anyways (I was going to be a rebel and take the camera in anyways, but my purse was too small to hide it (Tiff got hers in though, because she had a big purse)). Looking through the pics I thought I should display some of the fun things I've captured on my phone, because there's some funny stuff out there.
Here is a picture of me after I made Rich Potato Gratin. It was yummy and I wanted Liz and Mom to know about it. I sure do like being able to convey that much joy through a text message, because I've been told I sound a little unenthusiastic (but really, its a text message, how many exclamation points should I add after "I'm excited"?)

I worked with a guy a few weeks ago who read this fine publication. Not only is the newspaper dumb, but so is he. He told a co-worker I was bossy and treated him like he was stupid. Problem is, I wasn't bossy, and he told me he could do things he didn't actually know how to do... so really, who's the dumb-dumb.

I ran into this sign outside the building I have my office space in. I really think a simple "Caution: Wet Cement" would have done the job, but this is far more Big Brother. Maybe they should have made a "God knows you were the one who left footprints in your neighbors fresh cement" sign, because I don't think they hooked up a survielance system for the cement, that would be a ridiculous waste of my student fees.

This is honestly my favorite bumper sticker (actually, its tied with "Jesus Loves You, the Rest of Us Think You're an Ass). There are a few of them around, but for some reason this well-worn version is my favorite. Plus its on a van I haven't seen move in at least a month, so they're probably pretty environmentally friendly right now, seeing as they're not driving much.

I saw this sign in the bathroom at Saltair. I really hope no one was in that bathroom without their shoes on, because it was pretty nasty-tastic. I was a little intimidated by the intensity of the sentiment, but I suppose this was no the place for a simple "Please don't stick your feet in the sinks" sign.

And finally, a few pictures from the show. They may have made me escort my camera back to the car, but I still have photographic evidence of my attendance there. So who's the dumb-dumb now? (The answer to that question, in case you're wondering, is never "me". "They" are always the dumb-dumb.) The first picture is a couple of the members of Erratic Erotica, a pretty awesome band from Logan. The second is of Flogging Molly, an awesome Irish punk band. I don't think punk rock is really complete without a tin whistle and an accordion, so by that definition, that band is complete.


LM said...

NASTY-TASTIC! You make me laugh! I love your phone pictures...but you forgot Broccoli-Wokly!

Becka said...

Oh no! I can't believe I forgot Broccoli-Wokly!!! I may have lost that picture altogether. It's alright though, I feed Broccoli-Wokly to the animals all the time, and it makes me laugh when I do.