Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Busy,,,But Happy

Just thought I'd post some good news before I get swept up in the whole school thing. This week my school world has been flipped upside down. Most of the issue has to do with listening to Louis. He's pretty on top of things, so he spends a lot of time accidentally (and purposely) pointing out all the things I'm not on top of. This summer my graduate program became very stressful to me, mostly because there's a lot of paperwork I have to turn in before I can do any real research. Moreover, I have to get three signatures before I can turn any of that paperwork in. To compound this frustration, my major professor needs to approve anything before I send it to my other committee members for approval. This is frustrating because my professor has recently dropped off the face of the earth. Really, it's not just me, no one can find her.
But there is good news. I've decided to move on without. I've signed up for an environmental history class that I'm pretty excited about. I hope when she finally returns to this planet Joanna will approve of it, but for now I'm keeping. I also sent my program of study off to my other committee members and they liked it and said it doesn't really matter much if it changes. Then I went ahead and asked all the questions I've been sending to Joanna to some other people in our department and they gave me good answers.

In short, most things are going well. I was on the verge of a breakdown last night. It got cold at work and I forgot a hoodie, my school schedule was up in the air, my Comcast billing got all screwed up (again), Discover wants to change my APR and they won't accept "NO" over the phone, and the final nail in the coffin was when I couldn't find a parking spot near my apartment when I came home last night at 12:30. So I decided to give up for the night and figure it out in the morning.

The biggest new news is that I have another source of income. I've been pretty stressed financially lately. The biggest frustration has been that I didn't want to find another job if I was just going to have to quit it to make my school work proceed. However, I got a better stipend this year, my zoo work schedule is going to work pretty well for me, and I got offered a position as a T.A. this semester! The T.A. job is looking pretty stressful, but I think it will be a good additional source of income.

So, everyone be happy for me, things are looking up this week (by the looks of Monday morning, things were going to suck)! I'll post something more interesting later, but I wanted to share my good news with someone.

Also, I touched all of Dr. Healy's scopes and stuff, and it was awesome. Now I want to go on regular doctor's office safari's and touch all of their stuff (I suppose just all of their steralized stuff).


Marf said...

Glad to hear things are looking up. You never were one for communicating with professors, it's just unfortunate that when you finally get good at it there is no one there to respond back. Keep up the positive attitude, I like it...a lot!

LM said...

Glad things are working out well for you. I can't believe it is already getting that chilly at night, it will be snowing before you know it! Good luck with school this semester!