Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Bold Move

Dear Everybody,

I have just played my last game of Free Cell on my laptop. I have removed the program from my computer. We had a good relationship, Free Cell and I. However, it was impeding my productivity, and its like DEFCON 1 here, I must finish my thesis, so the Free Cell is going to have to leave. But, check out how well I've done, as documented by the percent of games I've won:
I kind of regret it already, but it was time to make a bold move. I considered blocking MySpace, Facebook, Blogger, YouTube and Apple Trailers from my browser, but then what would I do with my time? I hope to see an improved performance in the thesis part of my life with the removal of Free Cell. We'll see, I may just have a mental breakdown.


Becka Downard
Recovering Free Cell Addict
Slacker Extraordinaire

P.S. Here is proof the program is gone.
I may weep.

Now playing: Eric Hutchinson - Outside Villanova
via FoxyTunes


LM said...

I think I may weep for you...but I am glad to hear you trying to break away from your mother's slacker influences! Oh, try having freecell and solitaire on a DS, it can be anywhere and EVERYWHERE! (not that I am a slacker...I deny it!)

Marf said...

my word verification is phershem, I think that sounds fun. When you are feeling sad that freecell is gone, just smile and say "phershem" and everything will feel better. I won't admit to being a slacker, but you could have gotten a touch of OCD from me. I haven't played freecell in years because I became obsessed with the percentage of games won and if I lost a game I had to play enough more before I quit to get the percentage back up. Not a slacker, OCD. Now when I am feeling my OCD tendencies I alphabetize our movies or go around the house and turn the volume on all the TVs to 23

Lovely Lizzy said...

Hmm. I don't get freecell. Maybe you could teach me someday. I thunk before you break down you should come down.

Scooter said...

Dear Becka
I'm a recovering video gamer and I know how hard it is to recover from an addiction, I had to go through shock therapy and tons of AA meetings and I still crave it like a drug. Just thought I would let you know there are people who can help.
