Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Most Dangerous Adventure Yet!

So tonight I had to go to...THE WALMART PHARMACY!!! And it was freaking intense! I was going to go out the back way (past the Kampus Korner, through the Continental and Pinecrest parking lots, down the Cobble Creek stairs to 1000 N), but then I saw police lights on 900 N and thought I'd see what was going on, and it was insane!

There were at least 6 cars involved in an accident. By the time I rolled by there were 3 cop cars, 1 cop truck, a sand truck, and few couples standing on the sidewalk talking about how they were physically fine but emotionally traumatized. Crazy.

I figured I should walk, the sidewalk were pretty scary, but I pressed forward. Then I slipped and a puddle with icy mud at the bottom.

Then a powerline dripped water in my eye. And my cell phone fell out of my pocket. Then I went back to get it.

The farther I walked the icier it got. I decided to find my inner Apollo Ono/Michelle Kwan (because I'm speedy/graceful).

I made it to the pharmacy just in time, and with style.

Then I put on my helmet and crap-ons, grabbed my ice axe and headed back up the mountain to the Retro House. Unfortunately what I really needed was a kayak, or a steam boat, as 1000 N had turned into a raging, freezing river while I was in the store.

I eventually made it home safe and sound, but sopping wet. I made some cocoa and watched "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang." It was hilarious. It almost made up for my bruised back, wet outdoor wear and missing a movie with friends. As perilous as my journey was, I'm certainly glad I wasn't in one of the cars that were going about striking one another. And that I was extra weary of the icy roads, as I was almost struck by a vehicle trying to cross the street (it would have been their fault, but that doesn't really matter after you've been struck by a vehicle).

Now playing: Dispatch - Two Coins
via FoxyTunes


LM said...

I love your cartoons, they really enhance the story! Sorry about your misadventure! I can't wait for spring thaw and sunny weather!

Marf said...

As Grandpa always says, "you'd be just as dead right as you would be dead wrong", so don't get hit by a car no matter whose fault it is! I too am a fan of your cartoons. I hope your back feels better soon. Apparently you don't need any adventures out in the wild, your street is dangerous enough.

Marf said...

Had to make one more comment because it gave me a giggle...I'm pretty sure they are cramp-ons, not crapons, we don't want anyone to crap on our feet now do we?