Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Into the Thick of Things

Well, I've been in full on Thesis Mode for a couple weeks now, and its killing me. OK, that's an exaggeration. It's actually really exciting to be closing in on the completion of my degree. Its stressful though. I addition to trying to write up a year and a half's worth of research into two distinct ideas, I also have to stay on top of my graduate school paperwork. I learned when I graduated Weber State how much messing up your paperwork can ruin your life, so I'm hoping things will be smoother this time through.

Anyways...A few weeks ago I had the file with the latest draft of my thesis on it tell me it was corrupted (because I'm the File Whisperer). It was tragic, I lost 3 pages of work, and it totally changed the mood of the day. Because of this, I started saving my files as .doc instead of .docx (what kind of company changes their file extensions with the latest version of their program? An evil company), and then attaching that file to an email, in addition to saving them on my thumb drive and computer.

And here's the string of ridiculous emails I have to prove just how far I've gone to ensure I won't lose my file. I think the progression of screen captures really shows the progression of my insanity. Also, the ads on the side entertain me, because they're in part based on the text in your email, so there's a few for pet nail clipping and shower heads.

And yes, I did save my draft as "The The Thesis." The next, less rough draft may be labeled "The The The The Thesis." I may also start calling it "Where My Will to Live Has Gone to Stay."

1 comment:

Marf said...

your OCD has finally kicked into overdrive. It's about time.