Saturday, January 2, 2010

Horn Tooting

So, it's a little late in the game, but I've finally started writing my thesis! There's some other things that need to be done before I can really do some good analysis, but I heard that just starting was a major thing to accomplish, and its totally true! Before you know it, I may actually defend this thing, then graduate, then get a job, then make my dreams come true saving the world and travelling wherever I feel like.....

Goodness, the possibilities are enough to make me delirious! Yay, me!

Also, I went grocery shopping yesterday, fresh off a good paycheck, and now have enough food to eat well for, like, two weeks! I'm well on my way to fulfilling my New Year's cooking resolution, I bought the ingredients for Spinach Enchiladas and Not-From-A-Package Fettuccine Alfredo. Also, Life Cereal was on sale, so I bought 3, because few things are better than Life Cereal.

Sorry for being so self-indulgent, I'm just really proud to finally feel like I'm moving somewhere.


Ellis Wyatt said...

Nice! Congrats on moving your life forward! Make sure to mention me when you're famous!

LM said...

Good Job! (We always pick our own box of cereal for Christmas morning and I always get Life...but alas, it is now gone...

Carolyn said...

You were my "next blog" today.
I loved you pictures, some are really good and show a part of the US that I would like to know some day. I also admire your courage on driving alone and resting in park lots.

Soon I'll have a blog in English too. For now, just in Portuguese.
I'm from Brazil, but my parents were British. I'm 60 ys old and full of energy, although I'm always in lack of time.
In case you want to visit my blog: