Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009: My Most Adventurous Year Yet

I was feeling a little lame yesterday, so I decided to review the adventures of this past year, and it totally made me feel better. I'm kind of awesome. Anyways, I put this little video together of the major adventures of the year. I realized that there are several minor, yet important adventures that didn't make it in. That's unfortunate, however, I still got most of the majorly awesome things that I made happen this year. 2009 has been great, and I have high hopes for 2010!


KatieLarson said...

I want to be you when I grow up. You are some kind of awesome Becka Jean (is that your middle name...oh well). Cool adventures.

Becka said...

Thanks, Katie. Despite being so awesome, I actually have no middle name, though Jean or Jane works just fine for me.