Last week I got to go on a pretty awesome hike to Frary Peak on Antelope Island (the highest point on the island, at 6,595 ft above sea level) with my dad and Scott. We spent most of the time posing for pictures, which was as much fun as hiking. I for one can't resist a good pose with a juniper or bristle cone pine tree (I just think they're cool, and need to be hugged). We also had a good deal of fun doing 'conquer' poses.
I also learned some fun facts about the Great Salt Lake and Antelope Island. For example, the sand on the beaches is actually pretty special, its oolitic, and is formed when mineral grains or brine shrimp fecal pellets are coated by concentric layers of aragonite (a form of calcium carbonate), similar to the way pearls are form. So the sand is actually brine shrimp poo pearls. Also, the rocks found on Antelope Island are some of the oldest
I didn't see too much wildlife there, we were hoping to see some bighorn sheep, but alas, it was a no go. However, I did run into a gopher snake, which I've never seen before.
We spent much of the time on the way up and down quoting from Lord of the Rings after another hiker told us the way to the top was like passing through the Gates of Mordor. At the top we found a big pole and pretended it was like Galdalf's staff, which meant we spent too much time yelling "You shall not pass!!!" It doesn't get much better than that.
All in all, it was a pretty wonderous hike, and not too long, in case anyone wants to give it a shot. Now is probably the best time to hike the island, later in the summer giant mutant spiders (probably all 'roided out on brine shrimp fecal pellets) take over all the picnic tables.
I think the amazing thing about most of your pictures is that you are the one taking them. Neil and I were watching the slide show and looking at the pictures from this hike and I was saying how you take most of the pictures of you. He was amazed I could take pictures of my sunburn and I said I was learning from you how to capture myself on film. You're amazing. I'm so glad you came for a visit.
Ah, thanks. It was way fun to visit, hopefully I'll be down again soon.
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