Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Wanna Be Steak

So I feel a little lame, but I did not realize just how awesome Paule Newman was. That's right, Paul Newman kicked butt! Here are some reasons:
  • First off, he was beautiful. In black and white, young and old, he started out handsome and aged very gracefully (he's up there with John Wayne in my book).
  • He was a fantastic philanthropist. I wish I had know sooner, but all the profits from 'Newman's Own' salad dressings and other foods went to charity. Additionally, he started the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp for seriously ill kids. I imagine there were other things too, but most of the biographies I found focused on his movies. I admire that he put so much work into giving to others in need. Giving money is great, but building something (like a camp or company) that gives is awesome!
  • He made some pretty good movies, I hear. I plan on spending part of this weekend have a Paul Newman festival. I have a few of his movies on my "Movies to See" List, I think I'll start with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, then The Hustler. Maybe I'll get to Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, who knows.
  • He said some pretty great things I've heard here and there. A couple of my faves include
I wanted, I think, to acknowledge Luck: the chance of it, the benevolence of it in my life, and the brutality of it in the lives of others; made especially savage for children because they may not be allowed the good fortune of a lifetime to correct it.
I'm a supporter of gay rights. And not a closet supporter either. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. There are so many qualities that make up a human the time I get through with all the things that I really admire about people, what they do with their private parts is probably so low on the list that it is irrelevant.
  • Perhaps my favorite thing about him is this romantic notion I have about he and Joanne Woodwards relationship. Yeah, it was his second marriage, but he said this thing that just melted my heart. When asked why their relationship had lasted so long he said, "I have steak at home, why go out for hamburgers?" I don't have very many romantic notions, but I want to date someone who treats me like steak (and if they could age as gracefully as Paul Newman, that would be super).
Also of note this week, I have about the worst canker sore ever. Its not one on my tongue or the inside of my cheek, where I usually get them. It's on my upper lip by my right incisor. Every time I open my mouth it rubs against my tooth and hurts more. It's actually started to swell. Yesterday I could barely smile. I don't know exactly what causes cankers (I'll look it up later), but I know I get them when I get stressed, so I spent last night trying to relax. I feel pretty successful, but really, how much could I relax when I was trying to read a 300-page book in 1 day. Turns out the only thing I could do was put salt directly on the sore. It hurts really bad at first, but it makes the regular canker pain feel like nothing. I suppose that's masochism at its best. Eh. All in all, I'm glad the week is over, and psyched for this weekend. I'm going to try and get a fall foliage hike in, and listen to some conference. Boo ya!

Oh wait, one more thing. Ironman came out this week. Awesome!


Lovely Lizzy said...

I had no idea about Newman's Own either until I watched the Today show and they said it. I thought that was pretty fantastic, and even more fantastic that that is the dressing the McDonald's uses. I also liked the romantic side to. A bright light in this dreary world.
As for the movie fest, you should see if the movies on you list are ones that Netflixs has on their website to watch. Then you could watch them for free :) I guess it's not quite that free since you would have to use mom's account, but anyway, you should try that.
So the reason I'm up so late and commenting so late is because I'm in a contemplative state. I decided that I wish I could be more like you. Talking to you tonight showed me great strength that I just lack. I pray lots, but maybe not as genuinely as I should. It seems to have brought you good things though and so hopefully after a nice little prayer I'll fall peacefully asleep.
Oh and I miss you at times like this. To far away to actually hug on bad days. Or to laugh with on the good too. I hope all is well, and will miss you this weekend.
I love you.

Becka said...

Ah, thanks for the kind words. We need to talk more often, especially because I won't be down much in the next few months (but December is wide open, we should hit the outlet malls). There's lots I admire about you, like how on top of everything you are, how you care for others, and what a wonderful mom you are. Hope you have a fun weekend!

Marf said...

I love that you guys love each other, melts my heart. Keep blogging, keep in touch, and keep being who you are. I am soooo sorry that you have had a difficult week, here is a cyberhug to make you feel better. By the way, in case you are feeling down, you are not an elitist, educated or otherwise. You are very humble and nice. Why can't people share their opinion without calling names, or yelling? Here's to a great weekend! If you come down, I will make you tasty vegetarian delights, and I promise not to feed you any part of our family pets. I had a great Amazon moment to make me feel better, soon (possibly tomorrow) I will get my new wedding band in the mail! I also bought "animal, vegetable, miracle" so when you are done reading boring stuff you can read that.