Monday, June 15, 2009

I Have a Confession to Make

So, there's been some things weighing on my mind lately, and I think its time to let them out. Judge me if you will, but I have to admit:
  • I like Lady GaGa. I used to really dislike her music, despite the fact that it was very catchy. Then one day I realized that it was wonderful. I don't think its particularly talented music making (though I think coming up with something really catchy is a skill), and I kind of abhor the message of her music. Despite all this, I love to dance, and her stuff is wonderful dance music. (Just ask Tyler, he loves Lady GaGa too.)
  • I reuse Zip Lock bags. I can't decide if its because I'm cheap or because I hate going to the grocery store for something silly, yet necessary, like Zip Lock bags. I can't use the excuse that I grew up in the Depression and it left an impression of frugality on me. However, I am a desperately poor student, and every little bit helps.
  • On a similar note, I use old butter, sour cream and cottage cheese containers as Tupperware. Also, I love dairy products. And, I save and plastic silverware.
  • I'm very scared of lightning. Unlike other natural hazards, there's no chance of escaping lightning if you're caught on an exposed slope in a thunderstorm. You can't outrun it, and if it strikes you there's really no chance of surviving. If a wild animal attacks, there's a chance you can fight it (there's also Bear Mace); if you're caught in a raging river there are tactics you can use to raise your chances of survival. But with lightning, there better be shelter nearby or you're pretty much out of luck.
  • I take pictures of signs I think are funny. Church marquees are my favorite, but I'll take pictures of pretty much any sign I find ironic or over-the-top.
  • I save rough drafts of meaningless papers but discard important emails. I don't know why I have such a compulsion to keep a clean email inbox but maintain a bookshelf full of everything I've written since starting college.
  • I like to organize things and read the news when I'm trying to distract myself from work that needs to be done. For this I blame my mom, because I haven't blamed anything on her lately, and because she alphabetizes her DVD collection. Also, I blame Auntie Boo (or Aunt Doodie, I haven't decided which I like best), because she cleaned out the Nothing Cupboard near the backdoor at my parents house.
Well, I feel much better. Hope everyone is having a great week! I've gotten a lot done today, which I think is a good sign for how the rest of the week will go.

(Note: the picture at top is the best image I got googling "I have a confession to make.")

Now playing: G- Love & Special Sauce - Let the Music Play
via FoxyTunes


LM said...

A - You are a grandchild of Donna Fisher so this is what makes you wash Zip-Lock baggies and reuse butter dishes. B - I too get joy from organizing...your mom's house is my fun summer project! :) and C - I will not answer if you call me Aunt Doodie!

Marf said...

No one ever blames anything good on me. I never hear anyone say "oh, I am compulsively neat, must have gotten that from Mom" or "I am so optimistic, I must have gotten that from Mom". I just get blamed for a variety of odd OCD tendencies. It is true you haven't blamed me for anything lately.
As long as you aren't washing plastic silverware, or sturdy disposable plates, you haven't gone completely over the edge. Oh, and Grandma was also known to hang on to a nice paper sack now and then too.
I vote you call LM Auntie Poo

Lovely Lizzy said...

I agree with the Lady Gaga thing. I like her songs, but her lyrics are terrible. I refuse to listen to disco stick. She's quite filthy.
I'm glad Lonamae and Mom got blamed for everything!
And maybe you could combine Dootie and Boo and Bootie!
You could come visit us too!