Tuesday, July 14, 2009

On a Sadder Note

There was a mudslide in The Island on Saturday. It didn't get close to my home, but has still made me more sad than I thought it would. The mudslide killed 3 people and displaced a bunch of families. I used to walk past those homes every night, I saw these really happy kids running back and forth between their houses almost every night, then when I looked up what happened online I saw those same kids crying in pictures. It was heart-wrenching. I hope they can get back in a house soon. I've felt better wandering down around the site and seeing that there's a pretty steady stream of people volunteering, reminds me that Logan is a pretty good place.

The other thing that makes me sad is the reporting going on in Logan. The Herald Journal isn't my favorite source of news, and I think their editorials tend to be kind of crazy. However, I think it's kind of horrible that issues in Logan are reported better in the Salt Lake Tribune. I figured it out a few months ago when a fraternity pledge up here died of alcohol poisoning, and the Tribune covered it better than the HJ. It almost seemed like they were trying to pretend it hadn't happened.

Anyways, here are some links to the story.
"Logan failed to act of canal warnings"
Landslide Photos

I hope it clears up soon and some real changes are made. I'm trying to avoid finger pointing, but it looks like there are issues with keeping leaky canals safe and with responding to complaints about flooding in the Island. While it's important to identify who is responsible for the landslide, I'm hoping the powers that be spend more time ensuring it doesn't happen again, rather than covering than fingering a scape goat. Now that it's clear lives are on the line, it seems like something should change.

Sorry about the bummer of a post, it's just been on my mind.


Lovely Lizzy said...

I saw the news are recognized that it was probably in the Island. Where else are there that many canals in Logan.
I'm glad you're safe and with you, I hope that they do something. I can't believe that 3 people have died. It blows my mind and does make the situation a whole lot more serious.
I made a set of vegetarian pinwheels in honor of you last night. You weren't there though :(

Marf said...

I'm glad you are safe and dry, I'm glad I raised someone with so much compassion, I'm glad you are you.