Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ode to Green Hat

Note, this ode will not be a rhyming ode, I'm no good at that.

I have this green hat that Liz gave me for my birthday last year, and I love it.
It's very warm and stretchy,
It's green, my favorite color.
I can look like a cancer patient or an Irish hooker,
depending on my outfit and hair that day.

It came with an awesome scarf and gloves,
they're also green.
I'm very happy when I wear it,
even if I wear it while falling down.
I love hats in general,
but this one is definitely the tops.

I also love my leg warmers.
They keep my legs dry when the ground is wet.
And they make me smile whenever I remember I'm wearing them.

Winter-time may be kind of glum sometimes,
But my winter-wear can't bring me down at all.

Now playing: Regina Spektor - Fidelity
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

LM said...

Love the hat too, although I am not much of a hat wearer lately, but when I was younger I always had on a hat. Hope your hat and legwarmers are keeping you warm up in the frozen north!