Wednesday, December 10, 2008

So Liz and Mom both made it sound like I have dropped off the face of the Earth, and nothing could be farther from the truth. I've been safe and sound in Logan. My last few posts may sound a little discouraging, but December is kind of a discouraging month. However, there have been some good times, as seen below.
Thanksgiving was fun, my family kicks so much ass its ridiculous. I always love the time can spend shooting the breeze with them.
The food was excellent...
But there were yams...
I also got to decorate my apartment with Christmas stuff. I really, really enjoy decorating. I feel silly for it, but it is what it is.
I thought I'd take the opportunity to document that my Christmas tree did indeed fit in with the rest of my furniture and that I got a cute new sweater...

And I had a birthday. I'm now a quarter of a century old. Its not so bad. Bonus: I got my wedding cake. Another slightly irrational moment of mine. I became obsessed with this cake a few years ago while I was flipping through a wedding magazine. I really, really wanted the cake, but Mom thought it was silly, so I figured a milestone that would deserve a special cake. It was beautiful and totally worth the obsessing...
Thanks mom. I also got some gear I really needed: ski boots, kayak paddles and a face mask (and a kick ass hat!). It was awesome...
I've also done a little small scale adventuring: figuring out how to make sushi, battling my hair, moving furniture, finding a new purse, fixing internet issues, etc. All in all, life is good (really, how could it be bad when I've got my new hat?).
Now playing: Boston - More Than a Feeling
via FoxyTunes


Marf said...

I'm glad you didn't fall off the face of the earth, and that you are enjoying life a little. I was very proud of the cake I made, you totally deserve it for managing to live to 25. Love ya, Mommy

LM said...

Glad you loved Thanksgiving, we always have fun when you guys come! Happy birthday, again. Thanks for posting a picture of your cake, your slacker mother told me about it but never posted a picture so I could see it! :)